To make a monetary donation to Hickory Valley Christian School please follow this link to our secured PayPal link
For 40 years, HVCS has been equipping students to be critical thinkers and instilling in them a love for God and respect for others. We have been blessed with academic excellence in a nurturing environment with small class sizes and awesome faculty! HVCS has a rich heritage of inspiring the whole child toward academic strength, social maturity, and spiritual growth. God has provided for us all of this through the generosity of so many over the years.
HVCS is a Christ-centered K3-5th grade school that sends many of its students to college preparatory schools in the Chattanooga area. As many other strong private schools in the area, we rely on the generosity of tax-deductible gifts over and above tuition to sustain and enhance our programs and facilities and for us to move toward our vision of an individualized education with a technology focus. We are grateful to you, our loyal supporters, for the many sacrifices you have made in helping HVCS exist to serve children for generations to come.
Please see the links below to find ways to support HVCS!
This campaign helps us provide additional programs for our students, as well as enhancements to the student learning environment, teacher development programs, and staff salaries. This fund allows us to keep our tuition as low as possible. The Sustaining Fund campaign runs from July 1st through June 30th. Cash donations and pledges can be made to the school by calling the office at 894-3200 or by mailing in the pledge form. All gifts will be processed through the office and your gift will be acknowledged with a letter of thanks.
Honor and Memorial gifts are accepted by Hickory Valley Christian School . An honor card is sent to the honoree. A memorial card is sent to the bereaved family. An acknowledgement letter is then mailed to the donor acknowledging the honor or memorial gift. If you would like to make an honor or memorial donation please contact the office at 894-3200.
Hickory Valley Christian School offers scholarship assistance to students who could not otherwise afford the tuition to attend the school during the academic year. This fund is designed to assist those who have no alternative but to request assistance in order for their child to attend Hickory Valley Christian School . We do not provide academic or athletic scholarships. If you would like to make a contribution to the scholarship fund please contact the office at 894-3200. An acknowledgement letter will be sent to you for your donation.
General Mills is also conducting an online sweepstakes in which we could win up to 500,000 Box Tops for HVCS. Each individual can enter once per day. Please check this out on their website at http://www.boxtops4education.com/. HVCS is participating in the Box Tops for Education program again this year. This is a great way to earn cash for HVCS that can be used for many different purposes, including technology, facility improvements, or classroom equipment just to name a few. Please remember to clip your Box Tops and give them to your child’s homeroom teacher.
If you have any questions about the Box Tops program please contact our school office.
Publix offers cards and/or key chain tags linked to their partnership program so that HVCS will benefit from your purchases. These cards are available through the HVCS school office.
Chik-Fil-A has partnered with Hickory Valley and offers us opportunities to host Spirit Night at their Gunbarrel location. Our school receives 15% of Chik-Fil-A sales from HVCS students and families during these events. The next Chik-Fil-A Spirit Night will be announced in Thursday Mail.