Kathy Higley
Kathy Higley
Anita Smith
Anita Smith

Welcome Parents to the wonderful world of First Grade!

This year is a fun and exciting year for your child. They will mature, grow academically and socially and begin to learn how to see the world with an inquiring mind. They will become writers, readers, scientist, explorers, athletes, musicians, poets, actors, and so much more as we discover where their interests lie, and strive to inspire the whole child to be a life-long learner.

Looking Ahead

The first grade is currently completing their Time Lines showing events from birth to their latest birthday.  This completes one of the units in our Social Studies class.  Their Time Lines will be proudly displayed in the gym after completion.  They recently enjoyed their first Sock Hop for Valentine's Day!

The months of March and April will be busy as we prepare for our World's Fair and Kentucky Derby.  First grade will be preparing our room with information about Central America.  They will decorate our room as well as learn about individual countries from their research.  The Kentucky Derby comes alive as the first grade will run with their own horses.  The previous runners in second grade will be their coaches.  It is a fun time for all the grades.  At this point in our year we will be winding down and looking forward to our summer vacation!

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