Kelly Nichols
Kelly Nichols

Welcome to the HVCS Library 

with Mrs. Nichols!

Our HVCS Library is a place to fall in love with reading! We have a wide variety of materials to offer our preschool and elementary age students. We use our library class time as an opportunity to further classroom reading goals and also as a chance to help students discover the joy of reading. Reading teachers often set parameters for students to practice reading at their own individual levels and pace. However, students are also offered many opportunities within their library class time to explore their own interests and make their own choices. We believe this is a great way to challenge students to reach their individual reading goals while inspiring them to fall in love with reading.

Happenings from the Library

We are so excited to welcome you all to our HVCS Library! We have added so many great books this school year and we are always ready to dive right into reading. Parent volunteers are always welcomed. If you have any interest in being a library volunteer, please contact Mrs. Nichols via email at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you all very soon!

Mrs. Nichols

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