In our HVCS Technology Classes we focus on the basic building blocks of computer technology while integrating and reinforcing material from all other subjects. We also incorporate newer programs and learn about current technology trends. We believe it’s very important to master basic skills such as keyboarding, word processing, computer problem solving, etc. to establish a firm foundation that will support student learning for years to come. In addition, we establish a clear understanding of what it means to be good digital citizens and the importance of staying safe online. Our HVCS Technology classes are always full of fun and exciting opportunities to grow and learn.
Students in grades 1st-5th practice keyboarding at least once a month from August through May. It is introduced in K4 and K5 as a way to familiarize the students with the keyboard and prepare them for keyboarding in the upper grades.
Our K4 students are continuing to learn how to open and close programs, and navigate between websites and online menus. They are learning to recognize online menu symbols (such as play, pause, stop, etc.). Students have been given their very own "Lenny the Laptop" to take home. These paper laptops will aid in learning the placement of letters on the keyboard through play and practice at home.
Our K5 students are learning how to open, close and navigate programs and websites. Students are also learning to recognize online menu symbols. They are practicing the drag and drop method with the mouse in our new program They have also been given "Lenny the Laptop" for keyboarding practice.
Our 1st-5th grade classes are practicing their keyboarding skills, and taking 1 minute timed tests both with and without blinders to test their speed. Students will continue to practice to improve their speed and accuracy. Our new program this year,, is a nonprofit program which provides a leading curriculum for Computer Science. Students have already been introduced to this program, and are enjoying the activities. They are learning to code through sequencing and programming, as well as learning how to be good digital citizens. This year students will switch between keyboarding in Microsoft Word and our coding program. 3rd-5th grades have also been learning simple graphs in Microsoft Excel for use in their Science Fair projects. Please see the link below for the privacy policy.